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Write A 200 Word Essay On The Topic Who Is Jesus Christ And What Is His Mission To The World ?
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
lieshod White Lies in Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness Essay
Harmless exaggerations in Heart of Darkness   â â â In his novella Heart of Darkness (1899), Joseph Conrad through his essential storyteller, Marlow, reflects upon the indecencies of the human condition as he has encountered it in Africa and Europe. Seen from the point of view of Conrad's anonymous, target persona, the wrongs that Marlow experienced on the endeavor to the heart of obscurity, Kurtz's Inner Station on the banks of the snake-like Congo River, fall into two classifications: the negligible wrongdoings and inconsequential untruths that are basic spot, and the more prominent indecencies - the bizarre demonstrations society credits to crazy people. That the top notch of malefaction is associated with the second is outlined in the destruction of the story's auxiliary hero, the heartbreakingly misdirected and hubristic Mr. Kurtz. The European dreamer, accepting the lies of his Company and of the monetary colonialism that bolsters it, is caught off guard for the trial of character that the Congo forces, and capitula tes to the potential for the fiendish inactive inside each human awareness. Albeit various pundits (counting Johanna M. Smith, Peter Hyland, Herbert Klein, and Garrett Stewart) have caused to notice how Marlow's lie to the Intended advises the entire going before text and how that finishing scene with the Intended is associated with Marlow's underlying impression of Brussels as a whited catacomb (how fitting considering Belgian King Leopold II's deceptive barrier of his privately owned business' voracious abuse of the unbelievably named Congo Free State!), few have as of not long ago focussed on how the untruth influences the peruser's response to Marlow as the hero and storyteller of Conrad's Congo story. Responding to questions which the dead man's Intended postures him reg... ... Rosmarin, Adena. Obscuring the Reader: Reader-Response Criticism and Heart of Darkness . Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness: A Case Study in Contemporary Criticism , ed. Ross C. Murfin. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1989. Pp. 148-171. Smith, Johanna M. Smith. 'Too Beautiful Altogether': Patriarchal Ideology in Heart of Darkness . Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness: A Case Study in Contemporary Criticism , ed. Ross C. Murfin. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1989. Pp. 179-198. Stewart, Garrett. Lying as Dying in Heart of Darkness . PMLA 95 (1980): 319-331. Trilling, Lionel. Huckleberry Finn . The Liberal Imagination: Essays on Literature and Society . New York: Doubleday Anchor Books, 1950. Pp. 100-113. Wright, Walter F. Entrance to The Heart of Darkness . Romance and Tragedy in Joseph Conrad . New York: Russell and Russell, 1966. Pp. 143-160.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Country analysis by 17 criteria Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Nation examination by 17 measures - Coursework Example The subsequent measure includes populace development. It tends to be examined that populace development in Argentina in 2013 remained at 0.90% whereby the development of Argentina populace made a more extensive market for UNIQLO items. The third standards involve the pace of joblessness in Argentina which remained at 7.50%. This implies higher joblessness rate oppressed UNIQLO to cause greater expense of work in the creation of Apparel and footwear industry (Encyclopedia, 2013). The forward segment standards involve pay dispersion which remained at a load of 46.30% in 2013. This implies as the pay conveyance increments among Argentina populace, more individuals could figure out how to purchase more clothing and footwear items and thus prompting an expansion in deals volume and gainfulness of UNIQLO Company (Arnold, 2011). The fifth measures involve Argentina populace socioeconomics of individuals between the ages of 15 to 64 years. It very well may be seen that the Argentina populace of individuals between the ages of 15-64 years expanded to 36897.8 whereby, a great many people at this age are monetarily autonomous and could bear to purchase UNQLO items. The 6th standards included urban populace which remained at 38517. An expansion in urban populace caused the interest of clothing item by urban populace to increment and subsequently making the deal units made by UNQLO Company to rise (International Monetary Fund, 2013). The seventh rule involves GDP (buying power equality); the Argentina populace in 2013 was 977983, the higher the GDP implies that the economy of Argentina was performing extraordinarily well which thusly made a more appeal for Apparel and footwear items. Under the eighth measures, the genuine development rate in Argentina remained at 3%. This implies the pace of development of GDP sta rting with one year then onto the next changed at the pace of 3%. The higher
Friday, August 14, 2020
A 5-Year Columbia Students Take on On-Campus Housing COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
A 5-Year Columbia Students Take on On-Campus Housing COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog Columbia’s location in Morningside Heights has, inevitably, shaped the neighborhood and its development. Over the recent years, the University has acquired a number of apartment buildings in the Morningside Heights vicinity, as well as in Harlem and the Manhattan Valley. In 2008, Columbia even acquired the Arbor, an admittedly nice apartment complex located in Riverdale. In the Bronx. (Don’t worry. Columbia offers a shuttle between the Arbor and both the Medical Center and Morningside Heights Campi. Pick your poison). Here’s a quick overview of the pros and cons of pursuing University Apartment Housing (UAH). Pros: It’s lowkey your best bet to stay close to campus. As noted before, Columbia has acquired, and continues to acquire, many apartment buildings in the Morningside Heights neighborhood. From my experience, SIPA students who pursue UAH are placed within a ten-minute walk to the International Affairs Building (IAB). In fact, SIPA students who live on 118th Street, between Amsterdam Avenue and Morningside Drive live right across IAB. Geographically speaking, students may be placed within the rectilinear domain bounded by 106th Street, Riverside Drive, 120th Street, and Frederick Douglass Boulevard/Central Park West. Path of least resistance. Perhaps the least work-intensive housing search can be found with UAH. If approved for UAH housing, students indicate their preferred price point, fill out a personality questionnaire, supply additional documentation, if needed, and done! Students are notified once they are placed, and the contact information of their potential roommate/suitemate is passed along. Upon arrival to campus, residents pay a visit to the UAH office (near the corner of 119th and Morningside) to sign a lease, and off they go! ‘Tis the season for sublets. School’s out for summer. But you’re not! UAH leases last for the entire duration of your student status. That means the apartment remains yours for the summer. If you’re interning or working in New York, you’re free to remain in your apartment. However, if your research sends you to Rome, or your internship places you in Iqaluit, you have the ability to sublet your apartment. The transient nature of the neighborhood means that someone would be more than happy to sublet your space. You’re also allowed to charge your subletter a premium, a rate higher than your rent, within reason. UAH has rules for that, but that discussion is best left for if you survive your first year a later time. Cons: UAH is not guaranteed. There is no way for the University to provide housing to its close to 20,000 postgraduates. That said, the various schools are allocated housing spaces; in turn, each school has its own process to determine which students received UAH. At SIPA, the Office of Student Affairs facilitates the UAH process, approving students throughout the summer. A number of factors can determine UAH eligibility including geographic distance away from New York, ability for a student to produce a credit report or credit history, among other things. If you pursue UAH, be sure to pursue other housing options until you receive an offer from UAH. UAH is (relatively) expensive. Going with UAH means paying for convenience. To quantify it, UAH offerings price between $850 to $1,500 per month, ($2,300 for couples/family spaces). Depending on the placement and contract, this price may or may not include utilities. The premium you pay relieves the stress of finding a place, using a broker, etc. That said, it is possible to find cheaper housing, with rooms in Morningside Heights going as low as $700, even $600. If you don’t mind venturing two or three stops north on the 1 line, you’ll surely get more for your money. Pro-tips: Make friends with a Columbia person who knows what’s up. They’ll be able to let you into various Facebook groups for housing (some pending activation of your UNI and email). Use OCHA! The Off-Campus Housing Assistance site can be a happy medium between an expensive UAH while still staying within the Columbia community. OCHA compiles a list of spaces posted by Columbia affiliates. Check them out! Bits of advice: Morningside Drive and Morningside Avenue are two different streets! Morningside Drive is the western border of Morningside Park, closer to campus. Morningside Avenue is the Park’s eastern border. Live where you want. Wanna live right next to school? That’s cool. All about the Chelsea life? That’s cool too. As bad gal Riri once said, “Ain’t got not time for no haters, just live your life.†Don’t mind a 30-40 min. bus ride? Check out Astoria in Queens. Great food, affordable places, and it’s an easy trip straight to the campus gates with the M60 Select Bus Service. Note from Admissions: To our incoming students, dont forget to register for the Housing Webinar tomorrow through the Welcome Portal!
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Most Dangerous Game Summary - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 1 Words: 299 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2017/09/20 Category Advertising Essay Type Argumentative essay Did you like this example? At the start of the story, Sanger Rainsford is sailing south to hunt jaguars in the Amazon with a fellow hunter named Whitney. Rainsford is presented as heartless hunter, unconcerned about the life or feelings of his prey. In the middle of the night, Rainsford accidentally falls over the side of the yacht, but saves himself by swimming to the rocky shore of Ship-Trap Island. He discovers a large manor on a cliff. He knocks at the door and is welcomed by General Zaroff, a man of noble Cossack heritage who apparently lives on the island alone with his servant, a deaf-mute named Ivan. Zaroff explains that he is the ultimate hunter; he recieved his first gun at the age of 5, and has traveled the world and hunted every possible game animal. Now he has become so good at it that hes bored with his beloved pastime. After reaveling that he had to create a new animal, he indirectly states that he hunts men. He stocks his prey by tricking ships into wrecking near his island with misl eading navigation lights. When the surviving crew swim to his shores, he offers them a choice: they can be murdered by Ivan or choose to be hunted on the island by Zaroff. If they survive three days, he promises to set them free. Rainsford, who is immediately against the idea of hunting humans, tries to convince General Zaroff that hunting humans makes him a murder, not a hunter. This, of course, doesnt work and Zaroff offers Rainsford the choice: become prey, or die. Rainsford must set out to survive his three days as a game animal with only a sack of food and a knife. The conclusion of the story focuses on what happens when these two skilled hunters finally match wits. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Most Dangerous Game Summary" essay for you Create order
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Essay on Literature Comparison Between a Short Story and a...
Literature Comparison between a Short Story and a Poem Gian Carlo O. Dela Cruz Literature Comparison between a Short Story and a Poem Literature? This form of entertainment had been around for ages, whether be in a form of a Poetry, a Drama or a Short Story. This Type of literature had been used by Poets and Authors to convey their deepest desires, feelings, Ideas, amazing imaginations which makes us, whoever we want and an escape to daily normal life and with this making it humorous and lively. Everyone definitely have been exposed to a genre of literature in their life at one point. It comes from the French language and is used to identify types or categories of literature. (Clugston, 2010). This can be further classified or†¦show more content†¦Thurber was encouraged by his family as well as society to advance himself socially. He had two brothers and a father to constantly enforce male views. However, his mother was dominant personality of the family. Described as a larger than life, born comedienne, Mary Anne (Mame) Fisher Thurber was a source of inspiration for her son’s literary works. Ja mes Thurber attended college at Ohio State University from 1913 to 1918. Shortly after returning from Paris, France as a code clerk for the U.S. Department of State, Thurber married Althea Adams. Unfortunately, the marriage was troubled and ended in divorce 12 years later in 1935. Emily Dickinson of â€Å"Because I Could Not Stop for Death†and James Thurber’s â€Å"The Secret Life of Walter Mitty†are both great literary works. Although these stories are well written, they both own a different character. Emily’s story is a solemn and compacts with the matter of death and tragedy events involving a women who remains so busy that she never has time to stop and think about anything else, including death. In contrast, Thurber’s story has a comedic sensibility presented through the acts of a somewhat unlucky man. â€Å"The main theme of this story is escapism, in which the main character deals with his everyday frustrations by escaping into daydreams†(Cummings, 2009). Alongside the advantage of the enormous differences, a commonality exists which describes the negative compromise ofShow MoreRelatedEveryday Use By Alice Walker1102 Words  | 5 Pages Adrienne Rich, poem â€Å"Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers†can be read similar to Alice Walker s short story Everyday Use†both are compared by the women’s ways of showing their strengths and how they identify their values, expressions and strength. Advertised in the general outlines of the plot, both literary themes talks of a quest for freedom, the characters identity and self-expression. Adrienne Rich â€Å"Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers†Alice Walker â€Å"Everyday Use†Comparison Paper Analyzing theRead MoreSandra Cisneros and Hughes Analysis1575 Words  | 7 Pagestheir stories the reader can identify how different life experiences have influenced and inspired them to write the way they do. Analyzing Sandra Cisneros and Langston Hughes, and pieces of their writing will demonstrate how similar their writing is, how minority discrimination, and cultural circumstances effect and shape different pieces of their respective writings. This paper will highlight similarities, differences and motives for writing the short story, â€Å"Woman Hollering Creek†, and poem, â€Å"I,Read MoreImagery: (Kirszner, Mandell, 2012 P. 207) Is A Word Or1574 Words  | 7 Pagesdescriptively by appealing to the senses. Metaphor: (Kirszner, Mandell, 2012 p. 208) is a comparison using a particular concept to describe an abstract idea. For example, I told my father who is a comedian to go on stage and break a leg. Although that was said, it was not meant to be taking literally. Simile: (Kirszner, Mandell, 2012 p.208) is a comparison of two objects using the words like or as to make a comparison. This method used directly or explicitly. Having a baby felt like all the elements ofRead MoreChristian and Pagan Elements in Beowulf926 Words  | 4 PagesMarà a Isabel Carrasco Cara Chards CHRISTIAN AND PAGAN ELEMENTS IN BEOWULF The poem Beowulf is full of Pagan and Christian elements, this combination gave place to many discutions about the origin of the poem. On the one hand some scholars have said that this is the result of a transcription made by some monks where they added the christian elements, on the other hand it is believed that the poem was written in a period in which the Anglo-Saxons were being converted from their worship of GermanicRead MorePoetry Of Iqbal : Bang E-Dara ( The Call Of The Marching Bell 892 Words  | 4 Pages4.1.2: Poetry of Iqbal: Bang-e-Dara (The Call of the Marching Bell) his first collection of Urdu poetry. In the poems he reflects patriotism and images of nature, Iqbal writes poems about the historical and cultural heritage of Islam and the Muslim community with a global perspective. Iqbal’s poetry, particularly selected poems may therefore, be characterized as descriptive poetry mainly related to nature: sun, moon, stars, clouds, morning, evening, trees, flowers, etc.; but full of mystical symbolismRead MoreThe Impact Of Literature On Literature And The Social View Of Poetry1391 Words  | 6 Pages Literature possess the capability to vastly influence the world, and those who find a way to impact literature drive the powerful influence. Few people in the history of literature publicized as many thoughts and critical views as T.S. Eliot, and by disseminating his opinions throughout the literature world, Eliot found a way to communicate new perspectives and tastes in literature (Worthen). Born in the fall of 1888, T.S. Eliot grew up to become one of the most influential poets of all time, asRead MoreSuperb Motivation. Literature Possesses The Capability1749 Words  | 7 PagesSuperb Motivation Literature possesses the capability to vastly influence the world, and those who find a way to impact literature drive this powerful influence. Few people in the history of literature publicized as many thoughts and critical views as T.S. Eliot, and by disseminating his opinions throughout the literature world, Eliot found a way to communicate new perspectives and tastes in literature (Worthen). Born in the fall of 1888, T.S. Eliot grew up to become one of the most influentialRead MoreThe Impact Of Literature On Literature And The Social View Of Poetry1724 Words  | 7 Pages Literature possesses the capability to vastly influence the world, and those who find a way to impact literature drive the powerful influence. Few people in the history of literature publicized as many thoughts and critical views as T.S. Eliot, and by disseminating his opinions throughout the literature world, Eliot found a way to communicate new perspectives and tastes in literature (Worthen). Born in the f all of 1888, T.S. Eliot grew up to become one of the most influential poets of all time,Read MoreBeowulf and the 13th Warrior Comparison885 Words  | 4 PagesThe Comparison of â€Å"Beowulf†and â€Å"13th Warrior†Beowulf is an epic poem written a long time ago. The 13th Warrior is pretty much a movie based on Beowulf but not exactly. The two pieces of literature both shared a lot of differences and similarities as well. The 13th Warrior offered a more realistic, believable, and more understanding of the epic tale of Beowulf. It’s a short story covering the bases of a triumphant hero battling three supernatural monsters. But there had a lot of theatrical remakeRead MoreLiterary Devices852 Words  | 4 PagesStalin’s Communist regime. Alliteration - the repetition of the initial consonant. There should be at least two repetitions in a row. i.e. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. Allusion – A reference to a famous person or event in life or literature. i.e. Pyramus and Thisbe, the play-within-a-play in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, is an allusion to the classical Greek play of the same name. Assonance - the repetition of similar vowel sounds in a sentence. i.e. And murmuring of innumerable
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Defy Gender Roles Free Essays
Christina G. Tarango Professor John ENGL 2342 April 21, 2013 Conform or Defy Gender roles in the society of the human race have always been that the women bare the children and take care of the home while the man is out working and bringing home the money to support his family. In certain societies this is still true and women do not have a say in what they do. We will write a custom essay sample on Defy Gender Roles or any similar topic only for you Order Now The role and identity of women in certain societies has been shaped and it is up to the woman under this conformity to conform or defy. The roles of women through the eyes of Marjane Satrapi as a young girl were quite â€Å"normal†for her. As a young girl she did not realize how different of a life style she was living from other young girls her age living in Iran. For example when she was six she says, â€Å"I wanted to be a Prophet because our maid did not eat with us. †Later on in the story she reveals that their maid named Mehri was eight years old when she had to leave her parents’ home to come to work for Marjane and her family. As a teenager, Mehri begins falling in love with the neighbors’ son. When Marjane’s family finds this out her father goes over to the boys home and tells him, â€Å"I know that Mehri pretends she is my daughter. In reality she is my maid. †Marjane does not understand why this cannot be. Her father says, â€Å"You must understand that their love was impossible, because in this country you must stay within your own social class. †Marjane begins to understand the whole concept of the Revolution and wants to demonstrate against it. Women in the novel conform to and also defy the expectations that are placed on them by going out and demonstrating during the Revolution but also confirm by wearing the veil. Over a broadcast a man declares, â€Å"Women’s hair emanates rays that excite men. That’s why women should cover their hair! If in fact it is really more civilized to go without the veil, then animals are more civilized than we are. †Marjane says, â€Å"In no time the way people dressed became an ideological sign. †Marjane says, â€Å"There were two different kinds of women, the fundamentalist woman and the modern woman. The fundamentalist woman covered her entire body with a black veil and only showed her face. The modern woman to show their opposition to the regime would still wear the veil but let a few strands of hair show and they would not cover their entire body either. They would wear pants, boots, and long coats. This was done in order to protect the women from all the po tential rapists, it was decreed that wearing the veil was obligatory. As a teenager she was stopped by the â€Å"Guardians of the Revolution. †These women were in place to arrest women who were improperly veiled. At the committee, they did not have to inform parents and they could detain girls for hours or even days. They could be whipped and in short anything could happen. This was quite traumatizing for Marjane however she did not tell her parents. Overall, the effects of these societal expectations on the psyche and development of Marjane as a child were very influenced by the revolution. Her parents tried their best to protect her from what was going on in their country. They tried to still give her all the liberties of that the Western children had. They did not want to take away from her childhood and wanted her to have the absolute best. They wanted her to have the best education and normal social life possible and free of terrorism. At the age of fourteen she was sent away to Austria where she would finish school and be a lot safer. WORKS CITED Satrapi, Marjane. Persepolis. United States: Pantheon Books, 2003. Print. Satrapi, Marjane. â€Å"Persepolis. †The Story of a Childhood. 2003: 6. Medium. Satrapi, Marjane. â€Å"Persepolis. †The Story of a Childhood. 2003: 36-37 . Medium. Satrapi, Marjane. â€Å"Persepolis. †The Story of a Childhood. 2003: 74-75. Medium. How to cite Defy Gender Roles, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Management Hence free essay sample
It was a win-win proposition for both HS3C and 01B to merge to draw synergies from the strength of both, HSBCS technology, global reach and product innovation and Olds domestic reach and strong customer base. Under the terms of the merger, HSBC Middle East will inject an additional capital of US $97 4m into HSBC Oman and in turn, 01B issued to HSBC new shares equivalent to 51 per cent ot the shareholding In the combined entity. Though there were synergies end the merger provided gains, there were certdln challenges. The organisational culture, customer profile, business segment, banking products and technology in place were totally different. All these require adoption of suitable change customers and 10,000 corporate clients of more than 80 branches under one unified anking platform and connecting more than 140 ATMs to the OmanNet National Switch Network were completed by the bank well ahead of its scheduled target. In addition, issue of fresh ATM/Debit cards to ex-OIB customers were achieved in record time. We will write a custom essay sample on Management Hence or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page HSBC Bank Oman also made changes in the business process by making a number of lending policy changes to benefit its customers, rolled out complimentary life insurance on personal loans, launched receivables finance besides providing value added services like on-the-ground payments and cash management roposition to strengthen clients coverage capabilities. (wrww. hsbc. co. om) Change of management style: The bank successfully manages the changes required in technology, business practices and physical infrastructure. However, the biggest challenge for the bank will be integrating the workforce and bringing across a uniform Organisational Culture. Towards this aim and in line with the National Objectives to retain all the 1300 people of both banks, HSBC trained ex-OIB staff to new working culture and banking products of HSBC group. Unlike other challenges, this one will be difficult to uantify and could be gauged only by the success of the merged entity in terms of its market share and financial performance. Conclusions: Though the bank has achieved significant progress in initial challenges like technological and organisational integration, the impact on its business can be gauged only after looking at the financial results of the bank and its market share in 2013 and 2014. However, with a newly expanded team, diverse geographical network and growing customer base, the business opportunities for HSBC Bank Oman are significant. No doubt the merger creates an opportunity for the bank to drive growth n Oman and thereby having a strong presence in the Gulf and demonstrate its commitment.
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